Archived Content from the Perrenoud Foundation
The Perrenoud Foundation was aimed towards promoting young classical musicians by offering an International Music Competition / Artist Promotion / CD DVD Publishing and Concert Organization. The Perrenoud Foundation organized regular concerts in different countries and with different soloists and orchestras. The competition was established in 1992 by the Perrenoud Foundation and continues to bring tthe best artists from the world of classical music together as well as serving as an international reference. The competition first was organized under the name of the Vienna International Music Competition, then later known as the Perrenoud Foundation Competition, and today is known as the World Music Competition, due to its world wide activities.
This was the foundation's website for a number of years.
Content is from the site's 2009 -2013 archived pages.
The edited content is from the site's archived pages spanning over 10 years providing visitors a brief glimpse of what the Perrenoud Foundation offered to young musicians.
For the most up to date information about the Perrenoud Foundation's International Music Competition go to their current website at:
Boris Perrenoud is the director/president of the Perrenoud Foundation, created in 1989 and his International Music Competition, which recruits the best young artists from around the world in Vienna, New York and Seoul.
The artists of Perrenoud Foundation, have played with following orchestras and concert halls:
My world: My niece is a classical musician. She plays the cello. She idolizes the cellist, Tanja Tetzlaff. I have bought her several CD's of the Tetztlaff Quartet whose members include some of the world´s foremost musicians e.g. Lars Vogt, Leif Ove Andsnes, Alexander Lonquich, Antje Weithaas, Florian Donderer, Baiba and Lauma Skride and her brother Christian. I think my niece loves the fact that Tanja Tetzlaff’s special trademark is her broad repertoire and her desire for crossover formats.
This year, I took my niece to the 10th Trondheim International Chamber Music Competition, held in September. Similar to the Perrenoud Foundation's World Music Competition, Talent Trondheim offers young musical talents development opportunities in chamber music, including mentoring, instruction, and concerts. We had a wonderful time soaking in the music and atmosphere. On our last day, while packing to head home to the U.S., we laughed over shared memories of the trip and the incredible performances we’d seen. My niece, ever the thoughtful soul, surprised me a few days later by researching and showing me some delightful selections of Batman gifts after hearing me talk about how much I loved the character as a kid. She found everything from collectible figurines to custom artwork, and it was such a sweet gesture that we spent an afternoon browsing ideas together. She also informed me that Tanja Tetzlaff will be performing in Oldenburg, Germany, on January 24, 2020. As her Christmas gift, I’m planning a big surprise—tickets for both the concert and the flight! It’s the perfect way to combine her love of music and our shared fun over thoughtful gifts.
Circa 2010
I was browsing the Net.... and finally, I found my dream website with the Perrenoud Foundation. The door of my career was opened. It is so hard to start a musical career. The musicial agencies, concert halls, recording firms etc. ask us to be already a star, before they are interested to engage us. Perrenoud Foundation, you recognized my talent and treat me like a star. You contributed and helped me so much in my musical career. Thank you! Finally an International Music Competition, where the best get a prize. Wow, marvelous idea to put my videos on such a great and luxurious website. I will send the link to all my friends, so they can watch my quality videos on this greeate site. I wanted to record a music video, with multi cameras and surround recording… I asked about 20 companies, but the prices are over 15000.- Euro per day... and this only for shouting. Perrenoud Foundation thank you for offering such sponsorship for a professional recording. I will recommend to all my musicians friends. I opend several years ago my own website, but it did not bring any results! I spent a lot of money... but almost nobody was visiting it. I finailly found Perrenoud Foundation website, which is really bring me concert engagement. Finally a website for talent musicians, who will be a star tomorrow. We had till now only the big recording companies, with always the same stars. Now we are here and we can be represented in the best image. I like the fact that the Perrenoud Foundation preserve our artist image on there website: It is not possible for other musicians to leave bad and jealous and anonimous comments to our videos. I was looking for year for a music managment, who is really doing something for my promotion. Wth the Perrenoud Foundation, I found the right people, who understand about music. Thank you Perrenoud Foundation for your amazing support and quality. It was greate to make my recording with you. I would like to mnake other recordings. I was invited to take part in the Perrenoud Foundation Interntional Music Competition. Whaaaa!!ü It is not like other Music Competition. I could play not only 10 minutes, but 1 hour and all my program. Aditionnaly, it was professionally recorded with 4 cameras and 16 microphones... and I got also my recording on CD and DVD. Perrenoud Foundation you are my dream! I would like to play again with you soon. I had no money but I produce and bought the minimum DVD requested from the Perrenoud Foundation, and I resell them after my concert. I made a benefice for more then 9000.- euro in 3 months!!! After being prizewininer of the Perrenoud Foundation International Music Competition, I got more then 10 concerts and recitals. Boris you are the best conductor for me! We played Schumann concerto with such harmony! i am looking forward to play with you in the Vienna Musik Verein! Thank you for, what you are doing for musicians. I visit your website regularly and find good soloists for my concert season. The Perrenoud Foundation is the best place for musicians, who are looking for an active support. These are not only words, you see the result on Perrenoud Foundation website. I am writing a book about all competition in the word. I was attending the Audition in the public in Vienna. The Perrenoud Foundation is one of the the best one and totally objective! This makes since many years his best reputation worldwide. I was participating in the Perrenoud Foundation International Music Competition with the Audition in Seoul. I did not recieved the best prize.... I know the prizweinner was better then me. It's ok. I like the fact that the foundation gives to non prizewinner the chance to prodcue a CD or DVD as well. I discover Jean Frédéric Perrenoud Music, which is for me one a the best 20th century composer. I listen and practive his music almost every day. I will included "Initiales" by Jean-Frédéric Perrenoud in my next concert tour. You are right. We musicians, we are not machines. Sometimes, we need more time to express and to show our qualities. It depends on the hall and many other things. In so many music competition, we have some minutes to play and stop... Bye, bye... I like the fact, that we have ONE HOUR audition in your International Music Competition. I am aggree with the Perrenoud Foundation: A Music Competiton is not the Olympic Games. Whaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I received my invitation for the Audition in Vienna. I was on the waiting list........... . I will play my recital in VIIIEEENNNNAAAA!!!!! I heard Boris Perrenoud has been appointed music director in Seoul. When does he come back to Europe? I would like to make my DVD recording with the ihm and the Prague Phil. When does our CD, recorded with Boris Perrenoud for UNIVERSAL RECORDS come out? Suuupeeeer! Thanks for the invitation. It comes for us at the right moment. We were trying to record our CD and DVD and asked the TV, if they can invited us to record. Wellis was to complicated... and soooo expensive. For the Audition, I will bring my own piano accompanist. GREEAAT! I need a recording for my promotion and also for other music competitions... Thank you so much our dear Perrenoud Foundation. In the name of all Classical Musicians in the world. I would like to play in Seoul... Is the weather nice in September? I would lie to come with my girlfriend.... She also wants to play. WHAT! Only € 190.- Euro to make a recital and recording in Vienna, New York or Seoul. Thank you for the sponsorship Perrenoud Foundation and all the sponsors partners. I would like to attend the New Year Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Can you help me to get tickets? Can I link my Youtube videos on your website? I find your website so great and a special place for Classical Musicians.. Thank you to give the possiblity to find NEW TALENTED MUSICIANS. They are many musicians, wihout sponsors or rich parents, who are full of talent and play sometime better than our "great" star. With your website your propulse them in the highest level... You are right Anouchka, Perrenoud Foundation is really helpfull. We see the result on this website. I like also the design (Deluxe Edition) and the artist quality. I am looking forward to listen to the participants of this year music competition. We already worked with the Perrenoud Foundation prizewinners and organized concert in New York , Amsterdam, Berlin and Vienna. We had always the best experience with their artists. I was browsing the net, but no other Music Competitions in the world offer this...DIPLOMAS, RECITAL, CONCERTS, AUDIO-VIDEO RECORDING, CD DVD PUBLISHING AND SELLING, INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION... Perrenoud Foundation you are simply the best!!!!! KEEP GOING FOREVER! Well Perrenoud Foundation is since 20 years very active on the music market! They are also in the internet world, well known and represented by Google, Yahoo, etc... Just type at Google: Perrenoud Foundation or the artist name, who are at Perrenoud Foundation and you will find them at once. You don't have to browse such as long and if you are a musician, you cannot miss them! I have one word to say: THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Perrenoud Foundation. Everybody has his/her chance. Haaaaaa finaaalyyyy a website for me. I will make a link to the Perrenoud Foundation for my Facebook friends To be at the right place at the right moment! Smart... isn't it! Hyeeeee, I am invited for he next Audition You are right! If you don't show yourself in the right way and don't use the technolgy , you don't have any chance I am operating a music agencie for years. Thank you Perrenoud Foundation to give the possiblity to find new talents. The market needs these new talents. To build a musical carrer is not easy. But the way, you are doing is just right! You also understood that the music world, the public and the way of communication have changed. We will always support all your the efforts, you are making in order to promote talented musicans. Yes. I like the fact the that any musicans, can have a chance to make musical carrear! Let's do a better world. I am leaving in Siberia. I cannot afford to fly for the audition. Can I send you a link of my video, which is at Youtube? I got my password and I could login to the Competition Regulation without problems. I understood directly the regulation, which is short and simple: Without bla... bla... bla... Everybody can understand it. I directly applied to the Competition and reserved my Audition and Recital in Vienna. I made already 4 recordings with the Perrenoud Foundation and 2 new recordings are under production. I took part last year in the Competition. It was one of the best musical experience in my life.Thank you Perrenoud Foundation to give us such opportunities to play in these world famous locations in the world. I heard from a big music agencie in Löondon, that other locations of the Perrenoud Foundation Music Competition are also on the planning stage for the next years: such as London, Tokyo, Berlin, etc...? I hope the competition will be held also next year...? Is the next International Conference of the Perrenoud Foundation in Seoul in April? Where exactly in Seoul and which date? We need as soon as possible this information for the TV. Mr. Buchmann, manager of the Vienna Philharmonic will try to attent the conference. Uiieeeeeeeee…. I was too late with my application....... Soooo Baaad..... I asked one of the manager of the Perrenoud Foundation, why every body could not be invited to take part in the competition: He explained me, that they can accept only a limited number a participants. 2 days for Audition and 1 hour for each participants, you can make the total! One of my friend was lucky! He applied at the beginning of the advertisement and got his invitation, pretty fast. Can you imagine a 5000 participant audition? It would be not good! In this case, many participants would be disappointed! I am aggree, it is good to invite only a small amount of artist one by one. Perrenoud Foundation continue like this, we all like it!!!!!. Perrenoud Foundation, you are greeeaaaaat! Thanks! The Auditions with broadcasting are very expensive. The concert hall, staff, kilometer of cables, multi camera, multi microphones, monitors, audio mixers, light, post-production, promotion ,marketing, CD-DVD production and manufacture, etc… The sponsoring budget is easy over Euro 100000.- for one Audition… Hyeep… Thanks for sponsorship Perrenoud Foundation! I applied and I was on the waiting list. After a while, I was invited to take part in the Audition. It’s good! So every one will get the chance to participate. Just apply on TIME! I understand Perrenoud Foundation. They want to keep the best image.... also for their artists! Yes, there are 1000 visitors each day on the Website. You are great! Continue like this Perrenoud Foundation. We all admire your activities! I like the Competition Regulation. It is very easy to understand! I am sure the visitors from all over the world can access to it. There are no difficult sentences. I tried also the automatic google translation in french... Congratulations on the DVD release and thank you for including Yamaha in the credits. The cover looks wonderful. We would love to have a copy of the DVD. I just sent my Application for the Prague audition for 15th - 16th September 2010. Did you get it! I would like so much to take part in the audition. Great, I was waiting so long to get this news about new auditions! Sorry Patrick for the delay! We are full, full, full of work!!!!!!!!!!! We have followed the competition last year in Internet. It was so great! I want also to get promoted by the Perrenoud-Foundation. Best promotion for musicians. We are a Music Newspaper from Japan. We will write about your competition. When are you coming to Japan Perrenoud Foundation? I heard, Tokyo is planned for 2011. But I am not shure! The best website and promotion for musicians ever... Thank you! This Video are simply great! The best promotion for Musicians. Can you reply to my mail about my promotion letter from the PF Sorry Silvie, we have a Tsunami of emails every day. Sorry for the delay! We will do everythink we can to help you. Thank you for having invited me. I could get with my Video a greate concert in the USA. I was Voting for my favorite Particiant, and she got the Public Prize. I am so happy. If you get an invitation….!? Don’t hesitate one second! Go for it! Perrenoud foundation. Are some musicians invited for the audition, who are not coming? I heard, Perrenoud Foundation sends invitation only to a few musicians, for the New York audition. We have many applicants. Some of them were on the waiting list! They are prizes in each category and in discipline and also in each audition. I need a prize to get a job! Please invite me. PLEASE INVITE ME! When the chance come to you, take it and don’t leave it. Right Piotr! I directly confimed my audition. Hurhaaaaa! I am invited for the audition in New York!!!!!! Shelly (Australia) Perrenoud Foundation. Thank you so much for your sponsoring! Can someone give me his invitation? Again me! Can someone give me his invitation????? Can someone give me his in-vi-ta-tion? WHY, NOBODY IS REPLYING TO ME? Hi man! You can send your video, instead of coming to the audition in New York. I don’t have money to rent a concert hall and TV broadcasting in New York to record my DVD. It would cost more than 50000.- US Dollars! I see, you are right! Hep! you can still record yourself in your kitchen, with your mobile phone. Sorry You, I was just making fun! I am sure you are a great artist and I hope you can manage with the Perrenoud Foundation to be invited someday and perform your recital and recording. Hi everybody! One person cannot come for the Audition in New York! THANK YOU! Perrenoud Foundation! NY. THE CITY OF MY DREAMS! I thought, I could never get invited to perform a recital and make a recording in New York. I heard the next competition in New York will be held in 2013. In 4 years!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please invite me NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE INVITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn’t know about Perrenoud Foundation. Where are you living? I live in the province of Spain. I see…! Do you have a computer with internet? Yes, but I don’t know how to use it. Ok, thank's Georges. I was so stupid. Yes the Perrenoud Foundation is a tool to go right to the point and not to lose time. You are right Nike! We have to practice as musicians and not to lose time to search for a job every day. I sent every day letters to music management, concert hall.... It takes so much time and always the same answer. We will get in touch with you later..... With Perrenoud Foundation, you apply, you play and they do the rest to develop your career. I Love Perrenoud Foundation. I heard, they have more than 1000.000 visitors per month! It‘s normal. Perenoud Foundation is spread out in Asia, Europe and America. Every serious classical musicians knows about Perrenoud Foundation. Well, if you are not invited, you can still come to listen to my performance in New York. Ha ha…. I want to play myself, not just attend your performance!!!! An other possibility, is to wait, that a concert hall and the TV in New York will invite you for a recital and recording! Hey Man! Are you kidding! !!!! Do you know how hard it is, to be invited for a recital and recording in New York? You are right Aaron! Even, if you play better than a star, it is also impossible, without having a big, big, big, name! Perrenoud Foundation! You are just great! Perrenoud Foundation really offers an incredible chance for musicians: Dear Perrenoud Foundation management staff! Super! For the public vote, I will ask my friends to vote for me in December! I was browsing the Net.... and finally, I found my dream website with the Perrenoud Foundation. The door of my career was opened. It is so hard to start a musical career. The musicial agencies, concert halls, recording firms etc. ask us to be already a star, before they are interested to engage us. Perrenoud Foundation, you recognized my talent and treat me like a star. You contributed and helped me so much in my musical career. Thank you! Finally an International Music Competition, where the best get a prize. Wow, marvelous idea to put my videos on such a great and luxurious website. I will send the link to all my friends, so they can watch my quality videos on this greeate site. I wanted to record a music video, with multi cameras and surround recording… I asked about 20 companies, but the prices are over 15000.- Euro per day... and this only for shouting. Perrenoud Foundation thank you for offering such sponsorship for a professional recording. I will recommend to all my musicians friends. I opend several years ago my own website, but it did not bring any results! I spent a lot of money... but almost nobody was visiting it. I finailly found Perrenoud Foundation website, which is really bring me concert engagement. Finally a website for talent musicians, who will be a star tomorrow. We had till now only the big recording companies, with always the same stars. Now we are here and we can be represented in the best image. I like tha fact that the Perrenoud Foundation preserve our artist image on there website: It is not possible for other musicians to leave bad and jalous and anonimous comments to our videos. I was looking for year for a music managment, who is really doing something for my promotion. Wth the Perrenoud Foundation, I found the right people, who understand about music. Thank you Perrenoud Foundation for your amazing support and quality. It was greate to make my recording with you. I would like to mnake other recordings. I was invited to take part in the Perrenoud Foundation Interntional Music Competition. Whaaaa!!ü It is not like other Music Competition. I could play not only 10 minutes, but 1 hour and all my program. Aditionnaly, it was professionally recorded with 4 cameras and 16 microphones... and I got also my recording on CD and DVD. Perrenoud Foundation you are my dream! I would like to play again with you soon. I had no money but I produce and bought the minimum DVD requested from the Perrenoud Foundation, and I resell them after my concert. I made a benefice for more then 9000.- euro in 3 months!!! After beeing prizewininer of the Perrenoud Foundation International Music Competition, I got more then 10 concerts and recitals. Boris you are the best conductor for me! We played Schumann concerto with such harmony! i am looking forward to play with you in the Vienna Musik Verein! Thank you for, what you are doing for musicians. I visit your website regularly and find good soloists for my concert season. The Perrenoud Foundation is the best place for musicians, who are looking for an active support. These are not only words, you see the result on Perrenoud Foundation website. I am writing a book about all competition in the word. I was attending the Audition in the public in Vienna. The Perrenoud Foundation is one of the the best one and totally objective! This makes since many years his best reputation worldwide. I was participating in the Perrenoud Foundation International Music Competition with the Audition in Seoul. I did not recieved the best prize.... I know the prizweinner was better then me. It's ok. I like the fact that the foundation gives to non prizewinner the chance to prodcue a CD or DVD as well. I discover Jean Frédéric Perrenoud Music, which is for me one a the best 20th century composer. I listen and practive his music almost every day. I will included "Initiales" by Jean-Frédéric Perrenoud in my next concert tour. You are right. We musicians, we are not machines. Sometimes, we need more time to express and to show our qualities. It depends on the hall and many other things. In so many music competition, we have some minutes to play and stop... Bye, bye... I like the fact, that we have ONE HOUR audition in your International Music Competition. I am aggree with the Perrenoud Foundation: A Music Competiton is not the Olympic Games. Whaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I received my invitation for the Audition in Vienna. I was on the waiting list........... . I will play my recital in VIIIEEENNNNAAAA!!!!! I heard Boris Perrenoud has been appointed music director in Seoul. When does he come back to Europe? I would like to make my DVD recording with the ihm and the Prague Phil. When does our CD, recorded with Boris Perrenoud for UNIVERSAL RECORDS come out? Suuupeeeer! Thanks for the invitation. It comes for us at the right moment. We were trying to record our CD and DVD and asked the TV, if they can invited us to record. Wellis was to complicated... and soooo expensive. For the Audition, I will bring my own piano accompanist. GREEAAT! I need a recording for my promotion and also for other music competitions... Thank you so much our dear Perrenoud Foundation. In the name of all Classical Musicians in the world. I would like to play in Seoul... Is the weather nice in September? I would lie to come with my girlfriend.... She also wants to play. WHAT! Only € 190.- Euro to make a recital and recording in Vienna, New York or Seoul. Thank you for the sponsorship Perrenoud Foundation and all the sponsors partners. I would like to attend the New Year Concert of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Can you help me to get tickets? Can I link my Youtube videos on your website? I find your website so great and a special place for Classical Musicians.. Thank you to give the possiblity to find NEW TALENTED MUSICIANS. They are many musicians, wihout sponsors or rich parents, who are full of talent and play sometime better than our "great" star. With your website your propulse them in the highest level... You are right Anouchka, Perrenoud Foundation is really helpfull. We see the result on this website. I like also the design (Deluxe Edition) and the artist quality. I am looking forward to listen to the participants of this year music competition. We already worked with the Perrenoud Foundation prizewinners and organized concert in New York , Amsterdam, Berlin and Vienna. We had always the best experience with their artists. I was browsing the net, but no other Music Competitions in the world offer this...DIPLOMAS, RECITAL, CONCERTS, AUDIO-VIDEO RECORDING, CD DVD PUBLISHING AND SELLING, INTERNATIONAL PROMOTION... Perrenoud Foundation you are simply the best!!!!! KEEP GOING FOREVER! Well Perrenoud Foundation is since 20 years very active on the music market! They are also in the internet world, well known and represented by Google, Yahoo, etc... Just type at Google: Perrenoud Foundation or the artist name, who are at Perrenoud Foundation and you will find them at once. You don't have to browse such as long and if you are a musician, you cannot miss them! I have one word to say: THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU. Perrenoud Foundation. Everybody has his/her chance. Haaaaaa finaaalyyyy a website for me. I will make a link to the Perrenoud Foundation for my Facebook friends To be at the right place at the right moment! Smart... isn't it! Hyeeeee, I am invited for he next Audition You are right! If you don't show yourself in the right way and don't use the technolgy , you don't have any chance I am operating a music agencie for years. Thank you Perrenoud Foundation to give the possiblity to find new talents. The market needs these new talents. To build a musical carrer is not easy. But the way, you are doing is just right! You also understood that the music world, the public and the way of communication have changed. We will always support all your the efforts, you are making in order to promote talented musicans. Yes. I like the fact the that any musicans, can have a chance to make musical carrear! Let's do a better world. I am leaving in Siberia. I cannot afford to fly for the audition. Can I send you a link of my video, which is at Youtube? I got my password and I could login to the Competition Regulation without problems. I understood directly the regulation, which is short and simple: Without bla... bla... bla... Everybody can understand it. I directly applied to the Competition and reserved my Audition and Recital in Vienna. I made already 4 recordings with the Perrenoud Foundation and 2 new recordings are under production. I took part last year in the Competition. It was one of the best musical experience in my life.Thank you Perrenoud Foundation to give us such opportunities to play in these world famous locations in the world. I heard from a big music agencie in Löondon, that other locations of the Perrenoud Foundation Music Competition are also on the planning stage for the next years: such as London, Tokyo, Berlin, etc...? I hope the competition will be held also next year...? Is the next International Conference of the Perrenoud Foundation in Seoul in April? Where exactly in Seoul and which date? We need as soon as possible this information for the TV. The manager of the Vienna Philharmonic will try to attent the conference. Uiieeeeeeeee…. I was too late with my application....... Soooo Baaad..... I asked one of the manager of the Perrenoud Foundation, why every body could not be invited to take part in the competition: He explained me, that they can accept only a limited number a participants. He also sai, that the Perrenoud Foundation prefers to invite a small amount a participants and to make every participant happy! So every one can play and fill total confortable. One of my friend was lucky! He applied at the beginning of the advertisement and got his invitation, pretty fast. Can you imagine a 5000 participant audition? It would be not good! In this case, many participants would be disappointed! I am aggree, it is good to invite only a small amount of artist one by one. Perrenoud Foundation continue like this, we all like it!!!!!. Perrenoud Foundation, you are greeeaaaaat! Thanks! The Auditions with broadcasting are very expensive. The concert hall, staff, kilometer of cables, multi camera, multi microphones, monitors, audio mixers, light, post-production, promotion ,marketing, CD-DVD production and manufacture, etc… The sponsoring budget is easy over Euro 100000.- for one Audition… Hyeep… Thanks for sponsorship Perrenoud Foundation! I applied and I was on the waiting list. After a while, I was invited to take part in the Audition. It’s good! So every one will get the chance to participate. Just apply on TIME! I understand Perrenoud Foundation. They want to keep the best image.... also for their artists! Yes, there are 1000's of visitors each day on the Website. You are great! Continue like this Perrenoud Foundation. We all admire your activities! I like the Competition Regulation. It is very easy to understand! I am sure the visitors from all over the world can access to it. There are no difficult sentences. I tried also the automatic google translation in french... I just recieved the confirmation email from the Perenoud Foundation.: Youpieeee! I am innnnvvvvviiiiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to play my Audition recital in Vienna and I will be also recorded on Audio and Video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you! I go now practicing. I head that tey received so many Application for he Audition. I am not invited........ there are not enough places. I would like so much to take part in the Audition and play my recital in Vienna. PLEASE INVITE ME!!!!!!!!!! The Perrenoud Foundation IMC received thousands of applications, but they can only invite some artists. Hi everybody! Can somebody give me his/her invitation? Hi everybody! I REPEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can somebody give me his/her invitation????????????? For the Audition in VIENNA on 2nd July 2009! Dear Nikos! The Perrenoud Foundation can only a limited number of artists. We had to choose among the first applications. We keep your name on the waiting list and we will try our best to invite you, for one of the next auditions. Ok thank you so much for your speedy reply. This recital and recording is so important for me and for my musical carear! Yes, we understand you. We are working extremely hard to serve each musician. The world is big, but the classical music world is small! When, we speak with our friends musicians, you can be sure, after 5 minutes, they know the same musicans in the same city and so on. Since many years, the Perrenoud Foundation, we do our best to maintain an excellent reputation on worldwide scale and we try to serve each musician individually and make them 100% satisfied. Thank you Perrenoud Foundation for what you are doing! Your worldwide music competition and the possiblities, for musicians to show their talent by offering them a recital in the world famous locations, to record a CD and DVD and to be internationaly promoted on such beautiful website is a life chance! We will invite your artists for our next concert season. One Participant invited, is not able to come for the Competition on 2nd July in Vienna. If you are on the waiting list. Please contact us now! Hyeee!!!!!! Thank you so much for this missing participant! My gooooooood! it's like to win at the lotto and not to go to get the money!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for your assistance and reply to every questions by mail. You are so professional at Perrenoud Foundation. Which hotel do you recommend in Vienna for my stay?` They are many hotels in Vienna, but we recommend this hotel to our particpants. HOTEL ETAPE WIEN
It costs app. 45.- Euro Our participants were until now, always happy with this hotel. To go to the State Opera, you take from the Hotel the subway Line U3. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at Perrenoud Foundation. Ok, I see. That looks good! There are also other hotels, but there are more expensive. No , I like this Hotel Etape! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I NEED AN INVITATION! I cannot make a video like you are doing for the invited participants. I asked the TV broadcasting, they have got also multi-cameras, but it cost so much to rent all the staff: Studio, etc....I want to have a quality video like other participants, who are attending your Audition. Recital, Recording. I just made the payment for the Participation Fee by using PalPal. I received my Participation Card. Which musical repertory, do you recommend to play in the audition? We advise the participants to perform a musical program, suitable for them. The best you can! AGAIN: PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! I NEED AN INVITATION FOR THE AUDITION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
having collaborated with the PFIMC
Bösendorfer Concert Hall, Vienna (Austria)
Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra (Argentine)
Cairo Symphony Orchestra (Egypt)
Camerata Tokyo (Japan)
Disc Office (Switzerland)
Hradec Kralove State Symphony Orchestra (Czech Republic)
Klangbogen Festival, Vienna (Austria)
Konzerthaus Vienna (Austria)
Kurpfälzisches Chamber Orchestra, Mannheim (Germany)
Lithunian National Symphony Orchestra (Lithunia)
London Concert Sinfonietta (England)
Lyric Opera of Constanza (Roumania)
Moscow State Academic Symphonic Orchestra (Russia)
Moscow Conservatory, Great Hall (Russia)
Musikverein Vienna (Austria)
N.Ö. Tonkünstlerorchestra (Austria)
Opole Philharmonic Orchestra (Poland)
SONY Classical (USA)
Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra (South-Korea)
Symphony Orchestra of Bahia Blanca (Argentine)
Sinfonietta of Paris (France)
St. Petersburg Capella State Symphony Orchestra (Russia)
St. Petersburg State “Kirov Opera” (Russia)
Tel Aviv Symphony Orchestra (Israel)
Theatre Colon, Buenos Aires (Argentine)
Vienna Chamber Orchestra (Austria), etc.
1992 - 2000 Prize Winners
Prizewinners 2000
Prizewinners 1998
Prizewinners 1998
Prizewinners 1997
LANGE BETTINA Flute (Germany)
MANDOZZI MELINA Violin (Switzerland)
Prizewinners 1996
FRANKE THERESA Voice (Germany)
Prizewinners 1995
Prizewinners 1994
FILATOVA OLGA Piano (Russia)
Prizewinners 1993
TOENZ STEFAN Violin (Switzerland)
Prizewinners 1992
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If you would like also to play as soloist with orchestra in a concert organized by the Perrenoud Foundation, please contact our office and send your biography and video.
To apply for the competition, please fill in the application form.
After being selected to take part in the competition, you will then receive your participation card and will have to send to the competition, within 3 months, your video with a music program of your choice, solo or with piano accompaniment, for an approximately duration of 40 minutes.
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
If you don't have a video, you can apply for a Recording.
The regulation of the competition with the DVD:
Euro 25.- + shipping and handling charges.
Please read the regulation of the competition, and fill in this application form.
If you have any questions, please email us at:
Audio-Video Recording auditions are taking place
at the Perrenoud Foundation Production Studio in Switzerland.
If you are not able to come for the audition, you can send your video.
18 Perrenoud Foundation International Music Competition
Francisco Miguel Leal Gomez
17th International Music Competition:
Some Auditions are already FULL. Anyway, please fill in now the Application Form below. We will put your name on the waiting list. As soon, we have got a free place, we will contact you and invite you for the audition.
If you cannot attend the audition, you can send instead your video.
16th International Music Competition:
VIENNA: 14th- 21st October 2008.
Please read the Regulation of the competition.
If you have any questions, please email us at:
Limited number of participants accepted!
The first applications are taken into consideration!
Application Fee: € 190.-
As an alternative, you can make the payment by bank transfer on our bank account.
Rotenturmstrasse 13. A-1010 Vienna (Austria)
Clearing 12000
Account: 222-254-080-00
IBAN: AT931200022225408000
Account owner: Perrenoud Foundation
The charges for bank transfer has to be carried by the client!
and send the proof of your payment by fax to our office:
Fax: +43-1-5353229 (Vienna-Austria)
The promoted artists benefit with extensive publicity as well as the large audience that visits our website.
The promoted artists have the possibility to present their recordings, to add their biography and even to sell their CD and DVD.
The artists, prizewinners or who have recorded with IPA, benefit of a large publicity: MBC offers them to send out their promotion material to concert avenues, music festivals and concert agencies worldwide, in order to obtain international concert engagements.
Our Foundation offers to the promoted artists to send newsletters to 1000’s addresses on worldwide scale, such as, concert avenues, music agencies, TV broadcastings and orchestras, in order to contract international concert engagements.
Our main partners are: